30th August 2020 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Posted on August 29, 2020August 28, 2020 by admin 30th August 2020 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross. Matt 16:24
23rd August 2020 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Posted on August 22, 2020August 22, 2020 by admin 23rd August 2020 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus said : You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church. (Matt 16:18)
16th August, 2020, Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time Posted on August 15, 2020August 15, 2020 by admin 16th August, 2020, Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time O woman, great is your faith. Matt 15:28
9th August 2020 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Posted on August 8, 2020August 7, 2020 by admin 9th August 2020 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time O you of little faith, why did you doubt? Matt 14:31
2nd August 2020 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Posted on August 1, 2020August 1, 2020 by admin 2nd August 2020, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. (Matt 4:4)